Appearance Settings - Colors
The Colors settings let you adjust the background and the color palette for your timeline.
Timeline backgrounds are white by default but can easily be changed to one of the other professional themes. This option updates the color theme which includes the background color, the font color, and the timeline lines.
For example, here's the default white theme:
And here's the same timeline with a light gray background:
Custom Event Color Palette
This option lets you add custom colors for events when they are added to the timeline. Enter HTML hex colors to apply to new and existing events. Values entered here take precedence over the Event Color Palette setting.
Layer Colors
These settings adjust how colors are displayed based on the layer and its color. You can:
Apply the layer color to the layer's background.
Preceden can also apply the layer's color not only to the layer name, but to the layer itself:
For example, here's what it looks like with the layer names at the top:
And here's with layer names to the left:
Override event color with the layer color
You may want to have all of the events in each layer use the same color. This setting allows you to do just that: apply the layer color to the events themselves.
For example, here's a timeline with layer names to the left, no layer background color, but overridden event colors:
And here it is again but with the layer color applied to the layer background:
Misc Settings:
Display past events in gray
If you're using Preceden to plan a project, you may want to display past events in gray to make it clear that they're complete. Rather than adjust each event color manually as the event finishes, you can use this setting to automatically display those events in gray.
Darken Weekends
This option darkens weekends on your timeline to make them stand out more.