Timeglider Acquisition FAQs

In June 2019 Preceden acquired Timeglider, a popular web-based timeline maker.

How does the acquisition impact Timeglider?

If you're an existing Timeglider user, you can continue signing into Timeglider and using it until we close Timeglider at the end of November 2020.

Timeglider will no longer be accepting new sign ups. To create a timeline we recommend checking out Preceden which provides similar functionality as Timeglider.

How do Preceden and Timeglider differ?

Here are some things that Preceden can do that Timeglider cannot:

  • Preceden lets you export your timeline as an image or PDF, making it easy to print and share
  • Preceden supports dragging and dropping events to reposition them and change their dates
  • Preceden provides many different themes and ways to customize your timeline's appearance
  • Preceden lets you add layers to help you organize events
  • Preceden supports many different types of date and time formats

Here are some things that Timeglider can do that Preceden cannot:

  • Timeglider lets you specify the importance of an event is which controls how large it appears
  • Timeglider lets you add tags to your timeline to categorize it
  • Timeglider supports having a single event belong to multiple timelines
  • Timeglider lets you filter your timeline to only look at events that meet certain criteria

Have additional questions?

Shoot us an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

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